The Racketeer

The Racketeer-where to buy | latest price- Given the significance of what they do, plus the controversies that always surround them, and the violent people they often confront, it's remarkable that in the history of this country only four active federal judges are murdered. Judge Raymond Fawcett recently become number five. That is the Racketeer? And exactly what does he have to do with the judge’s untimely demise? His name, for the time being, is Malcolm Bannister. Job status? Former attorney. Current residence? The government Prison Camp near Frostburg, Maryland. In some recoverable format, Malcolm’s situation isn’t looking too good nowadays, but he’s got an ace up his sleeve. They know who killed Judge Fawcett, anf the husband knows why. The judge’s body was found in her remote lakeside cabin. There is no forced entry, no struggle, just two dead bodies: Judge Fawcett with his fantastic young secretary. And one large, state-of-the-art, extremely secure safe, opened and emptied. The concepts in the safe? The FBI want to know. And Malcolm Bannister would love to say to them. But all items have an amount—especially information as explosive because the sequence of events that led to Judge Fawcett’s death. And the Racketeer wasn’t born yesterday . . . There's nothing mainly because it seems and everything’s prey therein wickedly clever new novel from John Grisham, the undisputed master with the legal thriller.

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